The GLA has installed a sign at the city boat landing recognizing the individuals and companies who made very significant donations of labor and materials that made the improvement possible. It needs to be known that the entire project’s cost was donated to the City of Laporte. A rough estimate of the project’s cost would be $15,000 to $20,000.
The boat landing has long been in tough shape due to ice movement in the winter and even more so from the practice of ‘power loading’ of boats on to trailers. This had caused a deep hole to form and rock filled berm at the far end of the hole. There have been many complaints in recent years.
The project was started by Frank Vogeltanz, who offered to one of the GLA board members that he would be willing donate his track hoe and services to rebuild the landing if the city was willing to cover the cost of materials and transport of his track hoe to and from the site. From there, Mark Warisch and Ron Ray lead the project on the behalf of the GLA. They met with the city and the DNR, and developed plans for the project. At some point the Garfield Lake Ice Racer’s Club stated they would like to be involved and would donate the funds for the materials and other costs, as well as getting involved in the planning process. Also, the DNR supplied the 5′ x 12′ cement planks after approving the permit for the improvements.
The actual improvements were made in early August of 2019. The work done and materials supplied included the following:
- Frank Vogeltanz, who owns and operates DREC, Inc. supplied his 35 ton track hoe and a week of his labor. He removed the existing cement planks, dredge excess soil, filled in 1.5″ rock, moved and placed 12 of the 5′ x 12′ cement planks into place and removed 12 dump truck loads of excess soil.
- GLA members provided support labor for Frank, including Ron Ray, Mark Warisch, Dan Fitch, Greg Mehlhop and Bill Karsten.
- Cory Honer, who owns and operates John’s Backhoe supplied 30 yards of the 1.5″ rocks, transported the 5′ x 12′ cement planks from the DNR’s Park Rapids location to the jobsite.
- The Garfield Lake Ice Racer’s Club funded the cost of transporting Frank’s track hoe and other material and services cost on behalf of the city. In addition, club Member Tom Lindahl and his grandson Cameron provided some of the labor to transport the cement planks and to cut the asphalt at the landing.
- Kari Townsdin, a teacher at the Laporte School designed the ‘Please Check and Clean Your Boat’ sign at the landing.
- Minnesota DNR provided the 12 5′ x 12′ cement planks free of cost to the city.
- Warren Lochner of Lyle’s Sign donated the ‘Please Check and Clean Your Boat’ signs
- Dan & Michelle Irhke, City Sanitary Services of Walker, has donated on a continuing basis the trash can and weekly pickup service.
This amazing group of people have made a huge contribution to the improvement of the City of Laporte’s boat landing and is very much appreciated by all the members of the Garfield Lake Association!
Some photos of the project follow below: