2021 Water Quality Testing – Volunteers Needed

The following table lists the Water Sampling schedule for 2020 and highlights volunteer opportunities for any member. An experienced person will always be in charge of sampling, but additional hands are needed. The Cooler Drop is driving the samples to Park Rapids location on the following Monday morning for delivery between 9 and 11 AM.

Date DueActivityVolunteer 1Volunteer 2Volunteer 3Status
05/12/21Cooler Pick UpDarryl— — 
05/16/21Water SamplingNeededNeededNeeded
05/17/21Cooler DropNeeded— — 
06/20/21Water and ZMV SamplingNeededNeededNeeded
06/21/21Cooler DropNeeded
07/18/21Water and ZMV SamplingNeededNeededNeeded 
07/19/21Cooler DropNeeded— —  
08/15/21Water SamplingNeededNeededNeeded
08/16/21Cooler DropNeeded
09/19/21Water SamplingNeeded NeededNeeded  
09/20/21Cooler DropNeeded ——  

Water Monitoring Indicates Continued Presence of Zebra Mussel Veligers

A group of Garfield Lake Association members collect water samples on a monthly basis between May and September. These samples are analyzed by a laboratory to measure nutrient levels and the presence of aquatic invasive species. The results provide a snap shot of lake health and are added to a data base that is specific to Garfield and can be used to spot trends (good or bad) that impact the lake.

Unfortunately our July sampling indicated the return of tiny zebra mussel veligers, a potentially harmful invasive species. No mature zebra mussels have ever been discovered in Lake Garfield, and we’d like to keep it that way. Continued water sampling will be critical to monitor this possible infestation and form the basis for developing plans to combat it’s spread.

Your help is needed to ensure that water monitoring continues. We will be collecting water samples again on Sunday, August 16 at 4:00 p.m. Sampling consists of taking a pontoon ride to several areas of the lake and using specialized (but simple) equipment to draw water from a depth of about 6 feet that is then bottled and transported to Park Rapids the next day for analysis.

If you can be available to help please contact Darryl Jarombek at djarombek@yahoo.com or 651-324-1060 by Friday, August 14. Those who participate can be picked up at their dock. The entire process will not take more than an hour.

2020 Water Quality Testing Schedule – Volunteers Needed

The following table lists the Water Sampling schedule for 2020 and highlights volunteer opportunities for any member. An experienced person will always be in charge of sampling, but additional hands are needed. The Cooler Drop is driving the samples to Park Rapids location on the following Monday morning for delivery between 9 and 11 AM.

Date DueActivityVolunteer 1Volunteer 2Volunteer 3Status
05/13/20Cooler Pick UpDarryl  Completed
05/17/20Water SamplingDarrylMarkRonCompleted
05/18/20Cooler DropDarryl  Completed 
06/14/20Water and ZMV SamplingBillRonSaraCompleted
06/15/20Cooler DropBillCompleted
07/19/20Water and ZMV SamplingDarrylRonCharlie 
07/20/20Cooler DropCharlie   
08/16/20Water SamplingDarrylNeededNeeded
08/17/20Cooler DropNeeded
09/20/20Water SamplingDarryl   
09/21/20Cooler DropDarryl   

We would appreciate your help, email the association or call one of the directors for more information.