July 2020 Association Update

Hello Garfield Lake Association members, 

In the following link you will find the minutes of our GLA Board meeting from  last Wednesday, July 22, 2020 which has been posted to our website.  

We encourage you to take a moment and go through it and take a look at the rest of our website while you are there.   

Our July’s GLA  Board meeting covered the following areas:  current GLA membership ; status of Zebra Mussel Sampling ; water testing and water quality; how can we use our GLA website to communicate better with our members ; sunfish catch reduction status ; status of CO assigned to Garfield ; AIS monitoring budget reduction for 2021 via a most likely reduction in state funding ; loon nest pulled out for this year ( check out the great story and an outline by Mark describing loon habits https://garfieldlakeassociation.com/category/loons/) ; possible windsocks using GLA logo.

We are also looking for stories and ideas from our members to be published on the web site.  If you have something you think others would like to hear about the lake and or thoughts about the lake please send it to us or post your idea in the web sites COMMENT section.  

Again that website is:  https://garfieldlakeassociation.com/

We hope you are being safe and enjoying the lake during this wonderful summer!

Ron Ray, President