Garfield Lake Property Owners and All Others Who Enjoy this Lake:
The GLA Board wants our lake to be included in the DNR’s Sunfish project to increase the size of sunfish by reducing the daily limits from 20 to 10 or 5. We need your help to get our lake included!
Here is what you can do to help, complete the DNR’s quick 10 question survey and specify our lake. Here is the direct link to the survey,
Here are a couple of the key responses that you can use:
Question 1: Zip Code 56461
Question 3: Choose ‘Specific Lake’
Question 4: On the list, go to last entry ‘Other (Specify) and then enter ‘Garfield (Hubbard)
Question 5: Lakeshore Owner
Question 6: Yes
It would help to get your entire family and friends to do the survey.
Here is the link to the DNR’s information on this project:
The board is lobbying the local DNR Fisheries leadership and has written to the commissioner and local DNR Enforcement captain. We have been told local support of the program is necessary to include a lake and that the survey is the tool to gauge that local support.

Board of Directors